God is crazy.

It's been three years since my last blog. Life got nuts and I forgot about the joy that comes from blogging. Reading through my old blogs made me realize how much mental processing I did while I wrote. So I've decided to pick it up again. Granted I may not write as frequently considering the fact that I am now a mother and wife and just busy with life! (that rhymed ha) Anyways, I'm going to try to be consistent with this in my life.

So my title to this blog: God is crazy. This is my life in a nutshell. I have been praying for months now for God to ignite Jared and I's passion again and to really use our family in a big way. Me and Jared also started praying big prayers. We thought...why pray for mediocre things or for just what we need to get by. Why not go for it and ask God for things that seem crazy? Isn't He big enough to answer those prayers too? The answer is yes. Little did we know that when you pray big and start asking God to do big things with your life that he really does it. And He does it in ways that you never would have imagined. The thing is though is you have to say YES.

This concept of just say yes to God is not new. I've always heard it in church and talked about it with friends, but its a different story to live that out as a lifestyle. But since we decided to pray big we decided to live a lifestyle of YES. I'm convinced that as christians we miss out on so much of what God has for us because we refuse to be obedient to Him and say yes to what he has for us. God wants our yes but if we refuse him he will choose another that will say yes to him. How many things in my life have i missed because i refused to be obedient? ive decided that i dont want to miss a single thing God has for us any longer. My attitude is yes. But with that yes has to come trust. Because we as a family said yes to a crazy calling God had for us and it is in no way easy. With a yes life comes a life of trusting God as well. Thats the only way to live a yes life.So when you say yes and you trust God get ready for things to get crazy! God loves it when his children are obedient to him and he then just starts entrusting things to you that you never thought would be possible. He blesses your life in incredible ways. In no way do you say yes to God and then he just says "cool have fun with that." He is so thrilled!! He just dumps blessings on you because He is so excited. And it is incredible. While my life is going to be more challenging, with it comes more joy than i know what to do with. So be obedient...it is soooooo worth it.