
This weekend has been uneventful so far...except I finally finished my painting!! It's my first real painting. I have always been an artist, but usually it's drawings with different types of media...this time I painted and I am so excited! I want to do it more and more so I can get better at it, and hopefully I can do something for Erase the Dark at the Stirring.

On another note I am so stoked for my Africa trip...May can't come soon enough. I feel God working in my life and preparing me for this trip. I feel like I am finally in a place in my life to be ready for something like this...I want to be pushed beyond my boundaries, I want to be uncomfortable, I want to be bold, I want to step out of my normal life and I want to embrace something completely new! I cannot wait.

1 comment:

XENON said...

'To feel interest in the world' is what my feeling of your painting.

Hello~ Just read your blog and feel interested. (You don't know me and I don't know you too~ cause I live in Hong Kong~ but I have the same feeling of what you had written~)

Enjoy your life~!!! ^^