My Two Decades of living

I have moved out of the teenage years and have officially lived for two decades....20 years old. So much has taken place in these past two decades....I have grown into an adult and I am finally becoming the woman God created me to be. I'm figuring out who I am and how God wants to use me in this world. I've been stretched and pushed beyond my boundaries and am living in the uncomfortable. I am constantly learning how to live out this life and this call and am growing day by day. I am so excited for where these next years will take me...and what God will do. My prayer is that I will never be comfortable with this life, that I will constantly long for more, but at the same time be completely satisfied with my Lord and all that He has blessed me with. I want to live for the Kingdom...I don't want to live for this world...but I want to love this world and bring the Kingdom here. I want to learn to love the least, I want to disciple, I want to create family and community, I want to serve, I want to give hope, and I want to do it for the glory of the Lord. My prayer for my life is that I will be all consumed with a fiery passion for my Beloved. I want to see His face and I want to be His hands and feet...I want to go...send me.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Elisa!!! This gave me chills and tears! God is so good and so alive in you. I am so excited for the journey he has you on. Niki's right..he's unleashing stuff.and it's gonna be good.
We need to talk more about this Moses thing...I went through the same fears...but one thing that I was told was to never ask for an Aaron. And in that advice I've learned to have victory over my fear and learn to trust the Lord like never before.....
It was an honor to be in this group with you...can't wait to get to know you even better.