Even better than Thanksgiving....

Are the days after Thanksgiving when you get to eat leftovers for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I think I look forward more to the leftovers than I do the actual meal. Turkey sandwiches with stuffing, potatoes, and yams piled on top and then pie afterward.....mmmmm. Sure you gain a few pounds, but it is so worth it.

I'm enjoying spending time with my family and just relaxing bef
ore the chaos begins. Next week is cram time for finals, and then FINALS. I feel I should be doing some schoolwork right now because it seems that everyone else is, but I don't think I have anything to do.....other than maybe studying for finals. I hope I didn't forget that I had something to do....that is very possible with my disorganized life. I will find out on Monday when I come to class with nothing to turn in and everyone else had been working all break. That seems to be happening often this semester.

Anyways....today I think I am going to relax...get some reading in...crochet a little bit...hang out with my mom before she leaves...and just enjoy the dow
n time. It's a nice day outside so maybe I'll go outside too. I feel like keeping it low key....at least for now.

1 comment:

Liz McKeown said...

I am so glad I ended up getting to spend all day Saturday with you. I love you and can't wait to see you again