My weekend of concerts, hair dye, and shopping

I'm sitting in the commuter lounge right now, eating way too many peanut M&Ms that I bought last night. Today is a busy day, I have to work in the lounge until 2, then post some fliers for our events, and then go to the student senate meeting until about 6 or so. I then plan on going to the gym and after watching the Office. The amazing thing about today is that it is the last day of the week for me. We have Columbus day holiday this weekend, so we get tomorrow and Monday off from school. I am really stoked to have a 4 day weekend, but I have no idea what I am going to do with it. Here are some options I have come up with:
  1. Stay here all weekend and do nothing! Enjoy having no school or work
  2. Take a road trip to visit my cousin in San Francisco, then head down to Santa Rosa to visit the fam and friends
I haven't decided yet, but I probably should seeing how the weekend starts tonight. I probably will end up staying here because I haven't made any plans yet, but who knows it's always more fun to be spontaneous. We'll see what happens.

My week so far has been pretty uneventful, but this past weekend was pretty eventful. Friday
night I hung out with my sister and we went shopping at Kohl's for some new clothes. We ended up getting some amazing deals! I spent $16.00 and got: $2.00 red flats, $10.00 silver flats, $4.00 black v-neck tee, and $7.00 black vest. I then got an extra 35% off all of my stuff with my sister's discount, so it ended up all costing me $16.00. We were pretty excited. The next day I went to the gym and then went and had my sister put pink in my hair again. I was getting so bored with just blonde, and it's always so much more fun to have color. Then later that night Nolan picked me up and we went to the Myriad concert, where we met up with my sister and AJ. It was a good show, and I got to see my Aunt and Uncle there as well as some friends. After the concert we went to Red Robin and ate some food, then went back to my sister's house where we hung out all night. On Sunday I did some homework, and then Chelea came over and we prayed for each other and it was so good. It is so nice to have somebody to pray with and to confide in about issues in your life. After that I had to get ready and go to church. Teaching the pre-K class was so much easier this past Sunday than it usually is. We were missing about 7 kids, so we had a much smaller number and it was so much easier to teach them because they actually listened. I think now that the morning church is starting we will continue to have a smaller class size, so it will be much better. After the kids, I went to the 7 o'clock service and my sister came with me. It was so nice to have her there. I then went home and went to bed because I was so exhausted. It was a really good weekend.

1 comment:

Liz McKeown said...

I'm sitting here eating dark chocolate m&m's and reading your blog! Your hair looks cute with the pink in it.