Is it that time of year already?!?!

I'm sick. Congested head, runny nose, sore throat, aching muscles sick. It's a really bad time because I have so much to do for school....midterm, paper to write, power point presentation to make and present, not to mention a big family weekend; this is not good at all. My plan is to go to bed early and wake up feeling refreshed and healthy, at least I hope that's how it will go.

While being sick I watched the final presidential debates tonight....I know who I'm going to vote for but I don't really like either of the candidates. This is my first time to be able to vote in the presidential elections and I'm quite dissapointed in the choices. It will be very interesting to see how this election is going to turn out.

I'm going to get ready to go to bed and try to get in a little bit of homework in before I do and I hope I will feel better tomorrow morning.

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