A little vacation

I'm in Rohnert Park right now at my parents house just hanging out. Me, my mom, and my mom's friend Jackie went garage saleing this morning and I got some awesome stuff! I got this amazing beaded, vintage sweater for 5 dollars, and I got Sweeney Todd and Smokin' Aces for 5 dollars. Great finds I would say. I love garage sales, you can find some amazing stuff sometimes.

My dad is barbequeing salmon for me tonight because I love salmon and I love barbeque, so it's going to be a great night. It's been fun to see my family and just get to hang out with them.

Also, I went to the David Allan Coe concert last night and it was great! He was so good and it was really fun. Tonight is the NFG concert which i am really stoked about, so I'll write later about how it goes.

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