Procrastination and Parties

So far this year I am not doing good with keeping up on my assignments. My first test in statistics I completely forgot about, I didn't even read the chapter or do the homework so I was unaware of what the test was on. Thankfully it was on the easiest subject, organizing data in graphs, which I have learned many times growing up. I ended up getting a B on the test, so that was a relief. That was the first test I forgot about, then there was my Intro to Business quiz. I have no idea what i got on that one but I'm hoping for something good. I forgot to do 2 homework assignments in faith and culture class, which hopefully won't have much of an effect on my overall grade. Then this week I procrastinated, i have a test in Psychology Friday, a paper due tomorrow, I had a take-home test due today along with 2 other major homework assignments, and i got more homework assigned today. The point of all this is to say that I need to stop procrastinating and become more organized. The first thing I will do: buy a planner. I'm trying to organize my life so I won't be so forgetful of important events, and I think a planner is what I need. I don't know why it's so hard for me to stay on top of things, but I'm going to work on it.

On a better note this weekend was really great. My mom came up to visit because there were 2 family birthdays this weekend, one Friday and one on Saturday. Friday night was my Aunt Heidi's birthday party at Logan's. The whole family was there and we ate, laughed, and had good conversation. I love being with my family, they are always so much fun.
Sydnie with the silly glasses

Aunt Heidi and Aunt Amy

Aunt Heidi, Grandma, and Aunt Amy

My sister and I

Aunt Amy the cake hoarder

On Saturday we had a birthday party for the twins which was a Hawaiian Luau party with lots of decorations and good food. It was a really fun day because once again the whole family was there (including my mom) and some good friends. We got to hang out and eat and just have a nice day outside in the sun. It was a good party and I think that the twins had a lot of fun, and Aunt Amy did such a great job putting it together.

Jared and his balloons

Chelsea, Simeon, and Nolan



Our colorful drinks with twisty straws

Sydnie and Senele with their amazing cakes

Dan the Hula Man



So an overall good weekend, ending with church on Sunday. I taught the kids on Sunday and there was a new little boy who came, and he cried hysterically the entire time. I couldn't put him down or else he would ball even more, and he didn't want anything. It was difficult because I had a class full of 19 other kids who I needed to be watching. It was a somewhat stressful night with the kids, there are just so many of them now. Hopefully when the new church is planted there will be less kids coming to the night service.

Lastly, season 3 of Heroes on Monday was amazing and I can't wait until next week.

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