A new chapter.....

So I've decided to try out blogging. I've never done it before, but I figured I would try it and see how it goes. I occasionally write in a journal, so I thought, "Hey why not try blogging?" So here I am.

In my life as of now I have just started my second year at Simpson. I have a new on-campus job as a commuter assistant which I have really enjoyed so far. The job is only 10 hours a week, but I think that's all I can really handle considering I'm taking 19 units this semester. This is new for me because the most units I have taken in a semester has been 13. I might end up regretting this, because I already have so much homework!! Hopefully though it will be worth it in the end and I will be caught up in my units.

I also just started helping out again with the kids at the Stirring teaching the 3 year-kindergarten class. I've really missed doing this because the kids are so awesome! I'm really excited for what this year has in store with the kids. I also missed hearing the messages every week at the Stirring. Sunday night the message was "We Love" and it was all about loving God with everything that we have in us, and stripping ourselves of our pride and shame to just worship the Lord. God was really working in me that night. I had so much anger in me towards certain people and the Lord just showed me I need to love them and pray for them, and as soon as I did that the Lord took the anger from me. It was an overall great night and I am so thankful to be back.

I am currently living with my cousin Chelsea because my grandparents have been gone for a couple weeks, and that has been great! Even though are schedules are both crazy, and we don't see each other too much, it's been really fun. This weekend we watched season 2 of Heroes, which I had never watched before. After watching the whole season I am addicted, it's so good! I'm really excited for the third season to start.

So that's is my life as of now, and hopefully I will write often after this.

1 comment:

Twisted said...

Welcome to blogging... and have fun in school!