
I have so many things to write about today, an eventful weekend and week so far. I’m going to first start with my weekend. We went to San Francisco to surprise my cousin Alex for her birthday. It was me, My Aunt Amy, Aunt Heidi, Uncle Tim, all their children, my mom and Alex’s grandparents Dave, Donna, Willie, and Norma. It was a lot of people but it was great to have everyone there. We stayed at Haley’s house and went to the beach on Saturday morning then we got ready for Alex’s surprise birthday party which was at about 2. We had tons of food, music and awesome ice cream cake. We hung out all night long, and when it got too cold we went inside and had a dance party. We all ended up going to bed around midnight because we were so exhausted. The next morning we woke up, went to breakfast, then me and Aunt Amy drove all the way home so we could make it back in time for the Stirring. It was a great weekend overall.

Second event of my week was Women’s night for the Stirring the other night. It was a night where all the women who help out at the Stirring got together and we had a night of fellowship, worship, and prayer. It was really awesome, it was exactly what I needed and I think what a lot of other women needed as well. The Lord really freed me from the things that I have let hold me back and keep me down. He showed me that I don’t need to accept those things in my life and the Lord took them from me and I feel totally at peace. I realized that I spend so much time thinking negatively, and that is not of the Lord. God lifts us up; he doesn’t put negative words in our mind, that is the attack of Satan. God is really showing me where Satan is attacking me and I prayed over myself against that and I feel like a weight has been lifted. I am ready to be the woman that God has created me to be.

Lastly, I drove to school yesterday morning and got out of my car only to realize that I had a flat tire…..oh joy. Thankfully I have some really awesome friends who know how to take a tire off of a car and are nice enough to drive me to Les Schwab to get it fixed. They really are amazing.

1 comment:

Liz McKeown said...

Who helped you fix your flat tire? Is that Jared i see peeking out from underneath your truck?